Ordinance #3-2023 Electric Franchise Ordinance
Ordinance #1-2022 Repeal Ordinance #2-98
Ordinance #6-2021 Repeal Ordinance #1-91
Ordinance #5-2021 Planning Commission
Ordinance #4-2021 Cemetery Ordinance
Ordinance #3-2021 Park and Recreation Board
Ordinance #1-2021 Emergency Response Cost Recovery Ordinance
Ordinance #1-2020 Consumer Fireworks Ordinance
Ordinance #1-2018 Amendment re Accessory Bldgs
Ordinance #2-2018 Amendment - Definitions
Ordinance #5-2018 To Prohibit Recreational Marihuana Establishments
#1-2015 No Smoking on Glen Arbor Campuses
#2-2014 Point-of-Sale Well & Septic Inspection Requirement 6.17.14
#1-2014 Zoning Map Amendment 2.18.14
#1-2013 Fireworks Ordinance 6.18.13 (Repealed by Ordinance #1-2020)
#5-2012 Closure of Certain Roads to ORV's 11.19.12
#3-2012 Amendment to Parking Ordinance 6.19.12
#2-2012 Parking Ordinance 5.15.12
#1-2012 Civil Infractions 5.15.12
#1-2011 Public Vending 4.15.11
#1-2010 Ban on Fertilizer Containing Phosphorus 11.1.10
#1-2009 Commercial Property Project Permit 10.20.09
#1-2008 Public Road Endings 11.18.08
#1-2007 Aquatic Nuisances 5.22.07
#1-2006 Township Junk Ordinance 10.17.06
#2-2003 Telecommunications Ordinance 4.30.03
#4-1999 HAZMAT Ordinance 9.3.99 (Repealed by Ordinance #1-2021)
#2-1998 Operating Requirements for Alarm Systems & Devices 12.15.98 with 12.21.99 Amendment
#1-1998 Land Division Ordinance 8.18.98 with 9.17.02, 7.19.07 and 1.18.22 Amendments
#3-1995 Cable Television Ordinance 5.16.95 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 2-2003)
#2-1994 Local Water Craft Control – Glen Lake 2.94
#2-1991 Lot Division Control Ordinance 10.31.91 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1-1998)
#1-1991 Pension Plan Ordinance 6.18.91 (Repealed by Ordinance #6-2021)