
Eyeglass Donation Information

Have eyeglasses you no longer use?  Donate them so others can see!!!


The Suttons Bay Rotary Club will be collecting eyeglasses (prescription, readers and prescription sunglasses) at the Leelanau County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics collection on May 20 at the Leelanau County Government Center between the hours of 8 am and 1 pm.  Former Rotary President and optometrist, Dr Bob Foote and his team of volunteers, clean, refurbish and inventory the glasses and then provide them to individuals at an eye clinic (built and named in Dr Foote’s honor) in Esperanza, Honduras.  Dr Foote coordinates the effort in conjunction with the Volunteer Optometric Services (VOSH) organization.  Rotary began collecting eyeglasses for the VOSH team in the early 1980s.  Since then, the club has collected nearly 45,000 pairs of used eyeglasses for reuse.


The Suttons Bay-Leelanau County Rotary Club will also have a table at the Senior Expo on June 20 at Suttons Bay High School, 10 am to 2 pm for you to drop off your glasses.  If you miss the May 20 or June 20 events, bring your glasses to the newest drop-off location – – the Senior Services office in the Government Center!


  • Household hazardous waste collection, electronics collection, and document shredding:  May 20, June 24, September 25 and October 14 – appointments can be made online at (blue button on left side of screen).


  • Tire and mattress recycling:  Friday, May 19 and Friday, June 23 – call 231-256-9812 for appointments.  $1.00/tire and $5.00/mattress.


All appointment times are limited!