Welcome to the Glen Arbor Township Office!
Office Open to the Public:
Mon - Fri 9:30 am-12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4pm, or by appointment.
6394 W. Western Ave., PO Box 276, Glen Arbor, MI 49636
What can we help you with today?
Our office staff helps manage the following...
The Township Supervisor
As an elected official, the Supervisor is responsible for: Moderating board meetings, Oversight of Property Assessments, Secretary to the Board of Review, Serving as the Township’s legal agent, Maintaining records of the Supervisor’s office, Developing the Township budget, Appointing some Commission/Board members, and Calling special meetings.
In addition to the statutory duties, the Glen Arbor Township Supervisor also interacts with both residents and non-residents as the face of the Township, handles township correspondence, oversees the Glen Lake Fire Department's Fire Chief and participates on the Emergency Services Advisory Commission.
The Township Clerk
As an elected official, the Clerk is responsible for: Maintaining custody of all Township records including contracts, resolutions, ordinances, and the book of oaths, among others. The Clerk records, publishes, and maintains the Township meeting minutes, and prepares special meeting and public notices. The Clerk is responsible for all Township funds except for the tax fund. The Clerk prepares and maintains the Township’s and Fire Department’s financial records and keeps an account of all Township and Fire Department expenditures. The Clerk is Chairperson of the Election Commission and is responsible for the Townships voter registration file and conducting all elections in the Township.
In addition to the statutory duties, the Glen Arbor Township Clerk manages payroll for the Township and Fire Department, reconciles payroll benefits, is a Notary Public, oversees Town Hall and Meeting Room rentals, oversees the permitting of races, runs and other events within the Township, participates on the Emergency Services Advisory Commission, is the Township Board representative to the Township’s Park and Recreation Board, and oversees the office phones, mail, and supplies.
The Township Treasurer
As an elected official, the Treasurer is responsible for: Collecting real and personal property taxes, keeping an account of Township revenues, depositing Township revenues in approved depositories, investing township funds in approved investment vehicles.
In addition to the statutory duties, the Glen Arbor Township Treasurer collects the boat ramp fees.
The Township Trustees
As elected officials, the Trustees are responsible for the Township’s fiduciary health including the Fire Department. They have the same authority as other board offices and vote on all issues.
In addition to the statutory duties, the Glen Arbor Township Trustees are each a Township Board Representative to either the Planning Commission or the Zoning Board of Appeals, participate on various ad hoc committees as requested by the Town Board, and interface with the Township residents.
Township Board Meetings
All regular meetings of the Glen Arbor Township Board are held the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM either in the Upper Level Hall or the Lower Level Meeting Room, 6394 W. Western Ave. Glen Arbor, MI.