The Glen Arbor Fire Department informally begins in July 1951 with Frank Basch as Fire Chief.
First organizational meeting is held on June 4th. Those present included Diz Dean (Chairman), Jack Rader (Secretary), Alex Buchanan (Treasurer), Frank Basch (Chief), Walt Steffens (First Assistant Chief), Dexter Seeburger (Second Assistant Chief), Art Sheridan (First Driver), Martin Egeler Sr. (2nd Driver), Gil Warnes (3rd Driver), Luis Grossner (4th Driver), Martin Egeler Jr. (5th Driver).
An ordinance to establish the Glen Arbor Township Fire Department is approved.

In the 1970’s it was a long-distance phone call to and from the Sheriff's Department which dispatched for the County so Glen Arbor never received dispatch calls. Instead, 14 fire phones were distributed to the volunteer firefighters. Residents called the fire phone number which rang all 14 phones and volunteers would respond.
During the 1970’s the Fire Department arranged with local resorts to obtain information on what doctors were registered guests. If an emergency arose the department would call the resort and the doctor would be summoned to the incident.

The Department purchases a new Chevrolet station wagon that was converted to a transporting ambulance. The two nurses, Ruth Oleson and Mary Radar, and volunteer advanced Red Cross first-aid personnel staff it. Ten patients were transported to the hospital that year.
The Department purchases its first new ambulance from Superior Coach.
Public Act 368 establishes the standards for all EMS providers in the State of Michigan. The Act requires that all EMT’s be licensed.
Frank Basch retires as Fire Chief after 29 years on the job. Leo Buckler is appointed as the new Chief of the Glen Arbor Fire Department.

The Department replaces its ambulance with a new Type I ambulance.
The State of Michigan passed legislation stating that any person joining a Michigan fire department after October 31, 1988 must complete the new firefighter 1 train course and be certified at least level 1. The new training regimen required 120 hours of training versus the old requirement of 66 hours.
The Glen Arbor Township Board approves the establishment of an Emergency Services Special Assessment District (SAD). The Township and the Department become more proactive by providing for long-term planning capabilities.
The Emergency Services SAD required the establishment of an Emergency Services Advisory Commission (ESAC). John Solderholm was the first chairman of ESAC.
Glen Arbor Township contracts with North Flight for one full-time EMT-Specialist for 40 hours a week. This staff assignment provides coverage for day-time ambulance calls.
Leo Buckler retires as Fire Chief after 14 years of service and John DePuy was appointed as the new Chief of the Department.
Glen Arbor Township, under the “Bennett Bill”, upgrades its ambulance service from a Basic Life Support (BLS) service to a limited Advanced Life Support (ALS) service. North Flight fulfills the staffing contract with the department.
The first paramedic hired into the Department, under the “Bennett Bill.”
The department purchased its first ECHO car.

Construction begins on the new fire station in Glen Arbor at 6401 West State Street.
The Department upgrades its EMS service to Advanced Life Support (ALS).
The Department moves into the new building at 6401 West State Street.
John DePuy retires as Fire Chief after 12 years of service. John Dodson is appointed as the new Chief of the Department.
Glen Arbor Fire Department merged with Empire Fire Department under the new name of Glen Lake Fire Department. ESAC expanded to 4 Glen Arbor members and 3 Empire members.
Department transitions away from a North Flight staffing contract to a full-time municipal Fire/EMS staff.
The department employees unionize. Bill Parker was the first president of the union.
John Dodson retires as Fire Chief after 12 years of service.
John DePuy is appointed interim Fire Chief for 4 months.
Bryan Ferguson is appointed as the new Chief of the Department.